We aim to shed light on the challenges and triumphs of living with endometrial cancer.
These Are Stories of Survival
In these videos, several ECANA team members, each with their unique journey with endometrial cancer, gladly share their experiences. We hope these moments bring comfort, inspire hope, and strengthen the courage of others navigating similar journeys.

Endometrial Cancer Survivor Stories

We Have a Voice - with Lisa
Hear from Lisa as she describes the feeling of finding a safety net among the ECANA community. She reminds us that it is imperative that African American EC survivors have a voice in the cancer and medical communities.

Blowing Bubbles - with Martha Jean
Hear from Martha Jean, an endometrial cancer survivor and ECANA ambassador, as she describes her experience at the ECANA Conference for Community, Education, and Research Training, and her intentions to make a difference for women diagnosed with EC.

We Are Family - with Shanda
Hear from Shanda as she talks about the lasting, family-like bonds formed between African American women with endometrial cancer, specifically those who attended the ECANA Conference for Community, Education, and Research training.

ECANA Community Conversation
Margie Willis, Shawn Smith, and Mikki Hopkins are endometrial cancer survivors at different stages of their journey. Joined by Dr. Kemi Doll, the panelists share how they take it one step at a time endometrial cancer treatment and the ongoing process of recovery. We cover everything from changing tastebuds after chemo, to exercise and muscle pain, to what staying well and healthy means now.

My Health Has to Come First - with Heide
Heidi shares her journey from putting her health second, to putting it first. She shares the benefits of putting your health before other responsibilities, and the challenges of doing so.

Receiving the Diagnosis - with Adrienne
"I’m Adrienne. And I am a patient partner with ECANA. I am, going on two-year survival of endometrial cancer, and I think where I’m going to be most useful is to talk about receiving my diagnosis. Not just hearing it, but receiving it."